Write anyway20091118100800

Write anyway

smcrowNovember 18, 20090 comments
My writer friends and I spend an awful lot of time talking about procrastination, our failure to write, the way our kids’ needs and our messy ho...
Word of the year20091117134400

Word of the year

smcrowNovember 17, 20090 comments
“Unfriend” is the word of 2009, according to Oxford New American Dictionary.    ...
Long-form journalism on the web20091117130600

Long-form journalism on the web

smcrowNovember 17, 20090 comments
Nineteen thousand words about the Mumbai terrorism attack — is that too many words for a blog entry? This week, Virginia Quarterly Review begins...
Writing moms20091116095400

Writing moms

smcrowNovember 16, 20091 comment
A couple of helpful posts on writing through parenthood — rules to live and work by.   Here’s one from memoirist Louise deSalvo, at Christ...
The old days20091113102100

The old days

smcrowNovember 13, 20090 comments
Almost twenty years ago, I was a young assistant editor working on book excerpts, short stories, and essays for Ladies’ Home Journal.  The older...