Ebook SALE! $2.99 for The Wrong Kind of Woman20210408141841
Ebook SALE! $2.99 for The Wrong Kind of Woman
Hi everyone! The ebook of the WRONG KIND OF WOMAN is specially priced this week! It’s $2.99, across all platforms. You can buy the ebook here (A...
Some recent book events20210315153707
Some recent book events
A few of my book events from this past month If you missed them live, you can find them right here! —Joint author event with Amanda Brainerd, au...
This Wednesday: Beyond the Book chat with Julie Chan!20210209132231
This Wednesday: Beyond the Book chat with Julie Chan!
I’m thrilled that I’ll get to talk with @thejuliechanshow for her IG Live Wednesday series. We’ll talk about The Wrong Kind of Woman, and my wri...